Saturday, July 16, 2011

Still Waiting...

The industry continues to await USDA's decision on a potential checkoff program. The proposed program was published November 8, 2010. The initial public comment period was scheduled to close on February 7, 2011 and was subsequently extended to March 8, 2011. The majority of public comments submitted and 17 out of 19 trade organizations that submitted comments support the order. It is still possible for a program to be in place to collect funds on trees sold this season -- to be used to promote Christmas tree sales in 2012, but action is needed soon.

Noteable comments include those by Christmas Tree Promotion Now! and the National Christmas Tree Association. Even the American Christmas Tree Association posted comments -- this is actually a fake association that has NO MEMBERS -- created by a fake tree company to promote fake trees over real ones. For more on that, check out the comments posted by Betty Malone.